List of Countries in Africa – Alphabetical Ordered

Africa is the world’s second largest and second most populous continent, home to 54 diverse nations.From Algeria in the north to Zimbabwe in the south,

Africa contains a vast array of cultures, landscapes, and levels of economic development.

The countries of Africa range from massive, resource-rich nations like Nigeria and Democratic Republic of the Congo, to small island countries like Seychelles and Cape Verde.

On this page, we provide an alphabetical list of all the countries in Africa along with key details about each one.The nations are listed in alphabetical order from Algeria to Zimbabwe to allow for easy lookup and reference.

Whether you want to test your knowledge of African geography, look up capital cities, or learn more about a particular nation, this list aims to be an informative resource.

List of Countries in Africa

In closing, this alphabetical list covers the 54 diverse countries spanning the continent of Africa.From North African countries like Egypt and Morocco, to Sub-Saharan nations like Botswana and Kenya,

Africa is home to a remarkable range of landscapes, cultures, religions, and economic development levels.